Building resilience within the performing art sector during the pandemic

Building resilience within the performing art sector during the pandemic

The GIGGING 4 LIVING project offers modules focused on addressing issues faced in the performing arts sector during the pandemic, and promoting positive mental health among performing artists. These modules comprise 6 EduZines and Interactive Infographics to build resilience within the performing art sector in the face of the pandemic, and these EduZines are accessible through smartphones, and other smart devices widely used among performing artists.

The GIGGING 4 LIVING project offers modules focused on addressing issues faced in the performing arts sector during the pandemic, and promoting positive mental health among performing artists. These modules comprise 6 EduZines and Interactive Infographics to build resilience within the performing art sector in the face of the pandemic, and these EduZines are accessible through smartphones, and other smart devices widely used among performing artists.

Select an EduZine from the selection below:




Career Worries




Low Self-Confidence


Low Self-Esteem


Stress Management

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2020-1-IE01-KA227-ADU-082953
